Thursday, November 30, 2017

'Twas the night before the exam


  • Send me your speaking assignment before 7 pm tonight!
  • Come tomorrow before 10:20 am, be prepared to write your exam. 
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General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Class Notes:

GRAMMAR 12-2 Part III.
  1. Chris asked Joan to tell him where the music store was, but Joan said that she didn't know.
  2. Ivan asked Dmitry if he thought Ivan should buy a BMW. Dmitry advised Ivan not to spend so much money.
  3. Michelle asked Paul if had wanted to be an astronaut as a child. Paul said that he had wanted to be a firefighter.
  4. Stephanie asked Marianne if she could borrow her novel. Marianne said she could.
  5. Julian asked Alan what time he was going to the gym this evening. Alan told Julian that he wasn’t going to the gym because he had a date.
  6. Karen asked Craig how the new Thai restaurant was. Craig said it was pretty bad and advised / warned / told her not to go.
  7. Stephen begged his mother to give him a piece of cake. His mother told him to eat all of his vegetables first.
  8. The doctor advised the man to quit smoking. The man said he had tried several times before.
  9. The professor asked if anyone in the class knew the distance between the moon and the earth. The good student said that it was 384,400 km.
  10. Jake said that he was confused. He asked Sam to help him with his homework but Sam said that he was too busy. He told Jake to check the Internet.

Grammar 12-3 (Phrasal Verbs)

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