Thursday, November 30, 2017

'Twas the night before the exam


  • Send me your speaking assignment before 7 pm tonight!
  • Come tomorrow before 10:20 am, be prepared to write your exam. 
Image result for study

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Class Notes:

GRAMMAR 12-2 Part III.
  1. Chris asked Joan to tell him where the music store was, but Joan said that she didn't know.
  2. Ivan asked Dmitry if he thought Ivan should buy a BMW. Dmitry advised Ivan not to spend so much money.
  3. Michelle asked Paul if had wanted to be an astronaut as a child. Paul said that he had wanted to be a firefighter.
  4. Stephanie asked Marianne if she could borrow her novel. Marianne said she could.
  5. Julian asked Alan what time he was going to the gym this evening. Alan told Julian that he wasn’t going to the gym because he had a date.
  6. Karen asked Craig how the new Thai restaurant was. Craig said it was pretty bad and advised / warned / told her not to go.
  7. Stephen begged his mother to give him a piece of cake. His mother told him to eat all of his vegetables first.
  8. The doctor advised the man to quit smoking. The man said he had tried several times before.
  9. The professor asked if anyone in the class knew the distance between the moon and the earth. The good student said that it was 384,400 km.
  10. Jake said that he was confused. He asked Sam to help him with his homework but Sam said that he was too busy. He told Jake to check the Internet.

Grammar 12-3 (Phrasal Verbs)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Reported Speech

Image result for reporter

** Do question #4 in Grammar 12-1, we'll go over the questions tomorrow. 
** Finish reading 12- 1, read and answer part 2. 
** Study your verbs!

Don't forget your speaking test is due tomorrow before 7 pm. 

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Class Notes: 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A bunch of stuff ...


  • Finish Listening 12-1 Exercise #2. 
  • Do Vocabulary 12-2 Practice #1 and fill out the FORM if you would like to review the vocabulary. I will share the answers tomorrow.
  • Study your verbs in simple past and past participles. 
  • Speaking assignment is due for Thursday before 7 p.m.
    • 3 minutes long
    • don't read the questions
    • don't read your answers
    • speak loudly

Review of Tag questions - Answer the QUIZ and I will share the answers with you tomorrow. You don't have to do this, it is just extra practice.

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Tag Questions

Image result for smile animated


  1. Write for 15 minutes. 
    1. MUST DO: If someone wanted to visit your country or city, what would be the best time to go? What would be the worst time to go? Why? 
    2. OPTIONAL: Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How does he or she inspire you?
  2. Do Grammar 11-2 Exercise, don't share with me. We will go over the answers on Monday. 
  3. QUIZ on MONDAY! (All 3 Grammar points)
Answers for 

Class Notes: 

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Indirect Questions

Image result for dancing in the rain quotesHOMEWORK
Quiz tomorrow on direct and indirect questions
Finish Grammar 11-1, don't share with me!

Class Notes

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Related image


Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from, the readings will be there until Nov. 20.
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Class Notes: 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Modals of Certainty #2


Related image
  • Finish Grammar 10-2 Exercise, and share with me. 
  • Write for 10 minutes, then do the other steps we've talked about in class. You will be handing it in on Monday. 

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from, the readings will be there until Nov. 20.
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Class notes: 
What to do for your writing
Modals of Certainty #2 - the past

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Modals of Certainty #1

Finish Grammar 10-1, and we'll go over the answers tomorrow in class. 

Class notes: 

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from, the readings will be there until Nov. 20.
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Articles & Agreeing


  • Finish the worksheet about ARTICLES, we'll go over the answers tomorrow. 
  • Do Grammar 10-3 exercises - #1 and #2, we'll go over the answers in class tomorrow. 
  • Here are the ANSWERS to Vocabulary 10-2 Practice #2.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017



  • Do Vocabulary 10-2 Practice #1 and then place your answers in the FORM. I will share the answers with you tomorrow. 
  • Bring a yellow highlighter, a red pen and a blue pen. 

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from, the readings will be there until Nov. 20.
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Monday, November 13, 2017


HOMEWORK - just relax, but if you are bored ... 

Image result for the awkward yeti failure

Extra Reading Practice
Try to do at least 2 of the different readings per week from, the readings will be there until Nov. 20.
Your class code is EE3AQU.

General Extra Practice
You can use the following links to help study. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

On vacation!

Image result for on vacation

See you in a week!
If you would like some study practice, check out the spreadsheet

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Exam tomorrow! - You can do it!

Here are some links to also help you study, make sure you look at the tab for Units 4-8. 

Move up speaking assignments are due by Friday AM. Make sure your speaking assignment is no longer than 3 minutes long, you speak loudly, and you don't read the questions. 

Image result for good luck 

Here are the answers to the Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous worksheet I shared with you. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Present Perfect vs Simple Present

Do the following quizzes that review the present perfect and simple present tenses, if you don't want to do the quizzes, at least send me your info so you can get the answers and use them to review with for the test on FRIDAY. 

Image result for exam coming

Move up speaking assignments are due by Friday AM. Make sure your speaking assignment is no longer than 3 minutes long, you speak loudly, and you don't read the questions.