Monday, April 10, 2017

Review n "stuff" =)

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** Writing 2-3: Write a paragraph that describes your home. 
** Study your verbs in simple past and past participle. Here's a irregular verb list to help you. 

State Verbs vs Dynamic Verbs: 
Answer the following "quiz" and I will share the answers with you tomorrow after 10:30 am. 

Review of Passive Voice: 
** Answers to worksheet done in class. 
** Present Simple Passive 01 - with answers
** Present Simple Passive 02 - with answers
** Present Simple Passive 04 - with answers

MOVE UP TEST = April 21
REVIEW LINKS: in this spreadsheet you will find many different links that can help you review the grammar points seen in each unit as well as different activities for reading and listening.

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