Thursday, December 15, 2016

Last minute things

Related image

  • TODAY! Speaking Assignment: you need to record your 3 minute (max.) speaking assignment and share it with me by 6pm THURSDAY (Dec. 15). 
  • TOMORROW: Friday Dec. 16, we are having a move up test. Here are some links that can help you practice and study!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Move up INFO

Image result for watch out for ice

  • Speaking Assignment: you need to record your 3 minute (max.) speaking assignment and share it with me by 6pm THURSDAY (Dec. 15). 
  • On Friday Dec. 16, we are having a move up test. Here are some links that can help you practice and study!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Reported Speech

Image result for conversation bubble two people
  • Grammar 12-1 Exercise #3&4 (finish), we'll go over the answers in class. Don't share with me. 
  • Writing 11-3, write a paragraph that answers the question and share it with me. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tag Questions


Image result for tag game
  • Do Grammar 11-2 Exercise (all), we will go over the questions tomorrow in class.  
  • On Friday Dec. 16, we are having a move up test. Here are some links that can help you practice and study!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Related image


  • Do Grammar 11-1 Exercise (all). 
  • On Friday Dec. 16, we are having a move up test. Here are some links that can help you practice and study!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

Image result for miss piggy


  • Vocabulary 11-2 Practice #1, if you want the answers please write your answers in the FORM.
  • Vocabulary 11-2 Practice #2, we will go over the answers in class tomorrow.
  • Writing 10-2 "Articles" - Extra Practice (optional)
  • Writing 10-3 - write a paragraph answering the question and then share with me. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Listening 10-3 "Window or Aisle Seat?"

Image result for window or aisle


  • Do exercise #2 for Listening 10-3. Make sure you use modals. 
  • Study for a vocabulary quiz. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Travel - Vocab.

Answer Vocabulary 10-2 Practice #1, and if you would like the answers fill out the FORM.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Image result for friday let's do this

For those of you who didn't do the ACTIVITY, here is the link again. Could you please do it before Saturday morning? I will be sending the answers on Saturday night. 

To practice the 1st and 2nd conditional do the following activity

Remember that you can always review any of the topics seen on my REVIEW spreadsheet. Look at the tabs on the bottom to look at the different units, reading or listening. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WEATHER Words (Vocab)

Image result for raining cats and dogs

Unit 09 Vocab: Here are two links that can help you review the words CROSSWORD PUZZLE  & FORM. I will share answers tomorrow, for the crossword puzzle, I would recommend you take several screen shots of your answers since you cannot save the document. If you answer it in a word doc, then you can save it. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

EXAM Tomorrow!

Related image

  1. Speaking Assignment: Due Thursday, November 17 before 7 pm. Please no more than 3 minutes. 
  2. Review links: Some fun stuff to do in your spare time - LOL - actually it is to help you study for the exam. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Participial Adejctives (-ed/-ing)

Image result for speaking


  1. Grammar 8-3 do all the exercises. Tomorrow I will share the answers with you. 
  2. Do the Participial Adjective QUIZ. I will send the correct answers tomorrow. 
  3. Speaking Assignment: Due Thursday, November 17 before 7 pm. Please no more than 3 minutes. 
  4. Review links: Some fun stuff to do in your spare time  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Almost TEST time!

Image result for you can do it motivational


  1. Speaking Assignment: Due Thursday, November 17 before 7 pm. Please no more than 3 minutes. 
  2. Review links: Some fun stuff to do in your spare time ;-) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Art & Music


  • Vocabulary 7-2 Practice #1. Fill out form when you have finished and I will share the answers with you tomorrow. 
  • Review verbs in the simple past and past participle. (VERB LIST)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Gerund or Infinitive?


  • Image result for smile quotes
  • Grammar 6-3 Exercise #4, you don't have to share we will go over the answers in class tomorrow. 
  • Writing 6-3: Please write a paragraph (8 - 10 sentences) answering the question "Children should play sports for fun, but not for competition. Do you agree or disagree with this?"
    • If you would like feedback, please share your paragraph with me.
  • Next Friday (Nov. 18) there is a move up test. Click on the link to get to a variety of review sites, remember to look at the tabs on the bottom to look for units, reading and listening.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Future Predictions

Image result for horoscopes astrology funny

Do Grammar 5-2 Exercise #2 & #4. Do not share with me, we will go over the answers in class tomorrow. 
Reading 5-1 - finish the questions. 
Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow - study your words. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Image result for study study study quotes


Remember on Friday we have our move up test, so you need to send me your Speaking Assignment by Thursday @ 6pm and if you want to review, you can look at the GENERAL REVIEW

Friday, October 14, 2016

Unit 3 Review

Image result for have a good weekend
  • Finish Writing 3-1 Compound Sentences exercise and share with me. 

EXTRA STUFF -- since this weekend may be VERY rainy and windy here are some different things you can look at to help you review for next week's test. 

Grammar 3-1 - Simple past vs past continuous
Grammar 3-2 - Past perfect
Grammar 3-3 - Passive voice 
** For these quizzes I will share the answers with you on Monday after lunch. 

General Review  - this spreadsheet has lots of different links to review all the grammar points we've been looking at the last 3 weeks. It also contains reading and listening practice links. 

For Ahmed and anyone else who wants LYRICS TRAINING, listen to the song and fill in the missing words. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's in the past!


The Vancouver Skyline - photos

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Weekend Homework


    Image result for happy thanksgiving turkey
  • Read Grammar 2-3 Present Passive. 
  • Study verbs in the simple past and past participle. 
  • We will go over the Stative & Dynamic verb homework from Thursday too!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

State & Dynamic Verbs


    Image result for a quiz tomorrow
  • Do Grammar 2-2 Exercise #1
  • Review simple present & present continuous, we'll have a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Simple Present & Present Continous

Image result for work

Do Grammar 2-1 Exercise. You do not have to share with me, we will go over the questions tomorrow in class. 

In two weeks there will be another move up exam, here are some links to help you study

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Housing Vocabulary

Image result for housing

Do Vocabulary 2-2 Practice #1, if you would like the answers fill out the FORM and submit to be BEFORE 10:00 am tomorrow. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

WRITING: Health & Body

Image result for healthy


Write one paragraph about a healthy living choice or a healthy lifestyle that people follow in your country. 
Look at Writing 1-3 for help. 

Try to write 8 - 10 sentences for your paragraph. Remember that the paragraph has only ONE main idea. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

3 Kinds of Verbs

Image result for three of a kind

Grammar 1-1  Exercise: Do exercises 1, 2 and 4. We will go over the answers in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Health & Body

Vocabulary 1-2 - Practice #1 after you have filled in the blanks, write your answers in this FORM, and I will send you the answers tomorrow after 10:30.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Question Tags

Image result for question tag

Do Grammar 11-2 Exercise #1. You don't have to share with me, we will go over them in class. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Direct & Indirect Questions

Using the sentences we wrote on Tuesday, write a direct (DQ) and indirect (IQ) question for 10 sentences of your choice. 


  • Last year I went on a safari to Africa. 
    • DQ = When did  you go on a safari to Africa?
    • IQ = Can you tell me when you went on safari to Africa? 

Below is the link with the sentences that you guys wrote:  [SS sentences]

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Review asking questions

Image result for questions

Review how to ask questions. 
The following worksheets can help you review how to ask questions, they are OPTIONAL
1> Asking questions 01 - yes/no & auxiliary verbs
2> Asking questions 02 -  asking questions for certain parts of sentences

This is the link to the episode of Cutthroat Kitchen we started to watch in class if you are interested.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Do grammar exercise 10-3 - do only the first 5 questions of each of the exercises. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

More modals - you might want to check out!

Image result for smile happy quotes

1) Grammar 10-1 Exercise #4 - please share with me so I can check your answers. You can find my email on your Smrt page. 
2) Study vocabulary - we will have a quiz tomorrow!!!
3) Grammar 10-2 Exercise #2 - we will go over the answers in class. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Let's take a trip!

Image result for travel


  1. Travel Vocabulary 10-2 Practice #1 (FORM), if you would like me to mark your answers, please fill out the form and send it to me before 10 am tomorrow. After that I will share the answers with you. There will be a vocabulary quiz this week!
  2. Grammar 10-1 Exercise: numbers 1 & 2 - finish. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

A little break ...

Image result for be back

Please look at your Smrt Me page to find out where you need to go tomorrow. 
See you in a week!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Image result for feeling tense

Which tense is it?
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present prefect or the present prefect continuous.

Exercise 01
Exercise 02 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I have just ...


Finish #4 grammar 8-1.

Speaking test: 
Length = 3 minutes
Hand in by Thursday August 25 @ 4:00pm

Here are some links to help you study

Good luck!!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Friday QUIZ


  • Study verbs in simple past / past participle / present participle
  • Study present prefect and SINCE/FOR

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Perfect Tenses?!

  1. Grammar 7-2 Exercise: Please do numbers 1,2 and 5. You don't need to share with me, we will go over the answers in class. 
  2. Also STUDY your verbs.  There may be another quiz in your future. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Art & Music Vocab


  1. Vocabulary 7-2 Practice #1, if you would like to check your answers, fill out the form and I will send you them tomorrow at 10:30 am. 
  2. Study your verbs in simple past, past participle and present participle. Here is a verb list you can study from. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

More studying with "Gerund or Infinitive"

MUST: Writing Sentence fragments 6-1, we'll go over the answers in class. 
Optional: Finish the GERUND or INFINITIVE worksheet - if you would like me to grade it share it with me. 

Extra Practice 
Sentence Fragments: Practice Exercise 1
Fragment Exercise 1
Class Zone: Fragments

General Review Websites - look at the spreadsheet and you will be able to find links to help you study everything that we see in SMRT 120. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Another week over

In class today --> Quiz link

HERE are the links to practice your reading skills:

Reading 1: - Hockey
Reading 2: - Soccer

On Monday I will share the answers to the questions. (Don't try the link until Monday.)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

More Gerund or Infinitive Stuff!

Review Grammar 6-1, 6-2 & 6-3. We will be having a quiz tomorrow. 
If you would like some extra practice, please answer the following FORM before 8:30 am and I will share the answers with you BEFORE class at 10:20. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Gerund or Infinitive


  1. Grammar 6-1 Exercise #4 - finish for homework. 
  2. Grammar 6-2 Exercise #3 & 4 - we will go over the answers in class. 
  3. Please review the verbs found in grammar 6-1 & 6-2.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

On your mark ... get set ... GO!

1. Unit 6: Sports - Vocabulary 6-2 Practice #1.  If you would like your answers to be checked fill out this FORM, and I will send you the answers tomorrow after 10:30 AM. 
2. Grammar 6-1: Verb Patterns #1 Please do #1.
Also read the grammar notes paying special attention
to the verbs that come there.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Fashion: Comparatives & Superlatives

1. As a review for the quiz tomorrow, you can do Grammar Exercise 5-3 (Optional - but we will be having a quiz tomorrow!)

2. Writing 5-1 Exercise #2: write your own answers and share it with me. Make sure that I can edit it please. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016



  1. Study your verbs in the present participle form.
  2. Visit a craft store - for example Michaels, which is just down the street on Alberni. =)
  3. We'll go over the "Fashion" vocabulary exercises tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fashion Vocabulary

Do Vocabulary is 5-2 Practice #1 & 2. We will be having a quiz about this vocabulary!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Must vs. Have to

Read the notes for Grammar 4-1, 4-2 & 4-3.

Here is a video that can help you review what we saw in class today. Or ...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Literature: Do you like to read?

Do you like to read??
I love reading! The last book I read was Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, it is about a POW during WWII. If you are interested in WWII, I'd recommend reading this book. 


  1. Move up test is FRIDAY July 29, so that means you need to do the Speaking test before THURSDAY 5:00 PM. You can either upload it to your SMRT "Me" page OR you can send me the file/youtube video. If you are doing a video, remember to make sure that I have access to it and that you have made it private or else EVERYONE in the world can see it. 
    1. PLEASE no longer than 3 minutes. 
  2. Vocabulary 4-2: Exercise #1 (If you would like to compare answers, fill out the form.) & Exercise #2 (We will go over the answers in class.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Writing & Simple Past Passive


  1. Practice the simple past passive voice. Fill out the google form and I will share the answers tomorrow after 10:20 am. 
  2. Writing 3-3: write about a natural disaster or natural event that occurs in your country or area of the world. Share the paragraph with me BEFORE 7:30 am. Remember that it is a paragraph, which should have 3 parts (topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence). These parts should total any where between 8 - 10 sentences. 
    1. For example: 
      1. For Canada/Vancouver we could talk about wild fires, aurora borealis, earthquakes, wind storms, water spouts, chinook winds, etc.
      2. For California - the Santa Ana winds, earthquakes, drought, etc.   

Friday, July 22, 2016

Retired Hurricanes


  1. Study verbs in simple past and past participle form. 
  2. Next week is move up week, so use the STUDY GUIDE for review. 
    1. Presentation will be given on Monday. 
    2. Each student must give a 2 minute presentation about one retired hurricane according to the list found in the slide presentation
    3. Each student must create a google slide presentation and share it with me. 
    4. Make sure you answer all the questions and also have TWO pieces of extra interesting information. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Unit 03 Grammar 3-1


  • Answer the form to practice verbs in simple past and past continuous. 
  • Here is another form to practice the simple past and past continuous. - Engl 120 (G) 3-1: Past/Past Continuous 01
  • To help you study your verbs, you can go to the MacMillan Verb Wheel - PRACTICE THOSE VERBS!!
  • Next week we have a move up exam, and if you would like to get some extra studying in look at the links on my STUDY GUIDE
Here are some links to help you with "-ED" pronunciation:

Soo's Extra Homework (Or anyone else who wants more!)

... that should keep you busy for a little bit ;-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Forces of Nature Vocabulary


  1. Practice #1 - answer the questions and if you would like the answers sent to you please fill out the form.
  2. Study verbs in the simple past form and present participle ("-ing").  

Monday, July 18, 2016

Writing: Trending Homes

Finish your paragraph about which of the 10 trending homes you would like to live in. Check spelling and grammar BEFORE sharing with me. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Passive Voice Practice

For extra practice with the passive voice, you can do the following activities:
Passive Voice 01
Passive Voice 02
** Note that each activity also has the answers included. 

Monday there will be a QUIZ!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Review Verbs

Study regular and irregular verbs in the simple past and past participle. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

State vs Dynamic Verbs


1) Think of 8 verbs that go with EVERY letter of the alphabet! Good luck!
2) State vs Dynamic Verbs - there are some websites that you can use for practice. 
3) Unit 02 Grammar 2-2: Exercise #2 & 4. You do not have to share with me. Just do it!

We will have a quiz tomorrow about State and Dynamic verbs. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Housing Vocabulary Exercise

Unit 02 - Vocabulary Practice #1, if you would like me to check your answers fill out the form and I will email you the answers tomorrow after 10:20. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Any questions?


Unit 01: Grammar 1-2 Exercise #s 4 & 5. If you would like answers sent to you, please fill in the google form. I will send the answers after 10:20 tomorrow.

We will have a quiz tomorrow in class about "Questions".