Wednesday, August 23, 2017

More modals - past & present

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*Finish Grammar 10-2 Exercise #3. We will go over the answers tomorrow in class. 

*Study your irregular verbs, we're having a quiz tomorrow. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Modals of Certainty

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Finish Grammar 10-1 Exercises #1 & 4, and share with me. 
Read Reading 10-1, don't worry about the questions we will talk them in class tomorrow.  

Friday, August 18, 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

1st Conditionals

Image result for ifHOMEWORK
** Optional: Finish Grammar 9-1 Exercise. I will share the answers tomorrow. 

Remember we will have a vocabulary quiz this week!

Extra 1st Conditional Practice: 
1st Cond 00
1st Cond 03

Reading Practice: 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Weather Vocab

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Do Vocabulary 9-2 Practice #1, then place your answers in the form. I will share the answers with you tomorrow. THURSDAY or FRIDAY we will have a vocabulary quiz!

Monday, August 14, 2017


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HOMEWORK: Environmental Issues

Write a paragraph that talks about what you think the most threatening environmental issue is and explain why. Think about what you talked about in your groups today. 
Share with me. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Participle Adjectives

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Finish Grammar 8-3 Exercise
Here's an extra worksheet if you would like. I will share the answers tomorrow. 

If you want to study some more for the exam next week, here's a REVIEW LINK for you.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


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Write a paragraph about one of the following topics and share with me if you would like me to give you some feedback before Friday. 
  1. You never know until you try. Write about a time  when you learned something about yourself by trying something new.
  2. So much in life is about the choices that you make. Write about a time when you had to choose between two things that were important to you.
  3. What do different colors mean to you? Explain. 
  4. Explain how you express yourself artistically, why? If you don't really do anything artistic, what would you like to do? Why? 
If you want to study some more for the exam next week, here's a REVIEW LINK for you.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Talking about the PAST

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Finish Grammar 7-3 Exercises 3,4 & 5 - share with me when you are done. 

STUDY your verbs - here's a list. We will have a quiz on verb forms tomorrow. 

If you want to study some more for the exam next week, here's a REVIEW LINK for you.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Study verbs!

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STUDY your verbs - here's a list. We will have a quiz on verb forms tomorrow. 

If you want to study some more for the exam next week, here's a REVIEW LINK for you.