Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Image result for fashion

** Vocabulary 5-2 Exercise: Practice #1 - answer the questions and then fill out the FORM, I will share the correct answers with you tomorrow after 10:30. 
** Grammar 5-1 Exercise: finish the exercises we did not do in class, you DO NOT need to share with me. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Image result for study cartoons

Do the speaking assignment. Make sure you share it with be today before 7 pm. Please make it no longer than 3 minutes. 

Here are some links to help you study. 

The move up test is FRIDAY @ 10:20 am - be on time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Do you like to read?

Image result for reading quotes

Vocabulary 4-2 Practice #1: fill in the blanks with vocabulary we have seen in class and then write your answers in the FORM. I will share the answers with you tomorrow after 10:30 am. 

Grammar 4-2 Exercise: Finish the worksheet, and we will go over the answers in class tomorrow. 

ANNNDDDD ... remind me to go over the homework left on TUESDAY. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Must you!?

Image result for must


  • Grammar 4-1 Exercise: finish and we will go over the answers in class. Don't share with me.  

Here are the answer keys for the extra worksheets that you had for homework from yesterday.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Let's write!


Image result for start of the week quotes
  • Writing 3-1: Answer the exercise, and share with me. 
  • Writing 3-3: Write a paragraph "describe a disaster that happened or happens in your country. It could be a huge natural disaster, or an natural event that happens at certain times of year."

Some of you are having problems with simple past, past continuous and past perfect, so here are some exercises for you to practice. I will share the answers on my blog so you can check yours.

Please note the grammar is OPTIONAL while the writing is NOT! Please share your writing with me. 

Review websites LINK

Friday, January 20, 2017

Past Perfect


    Image result for have a great weekend
  • Do Grammar 3-2 Exercise. Share with me if you want me to look over it. 
  • Study your verbs. 
  • Monday we will have a quiz on Unit 3. 

Also, next week on Friday (Jan. 27) there is a move-up test. If you want to study more, look at the different links in this spreadsheet

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Past Passive

Related image

Do the following quiz on the passive voice. QUIZ 
Study your verbs!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It's in the past!

Image result for in the pastHOMEWORK: 

  • Study your verbs (present participles, simple past, past participles) ... another quiz is coming soon. 
  • Finish Grammar 3-1 #2,3,4,5 and share with me!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

Passive Voice


Some games to play (warning: some are VERY simple/childish!)

SILENT LETTERS -- here's what we talked about in class today. 

Review websites - Next week  there is a move up test on Friday!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Dynamic & State verbs

Finish Grammar 2-2 Exercise. We'll go over the answers in class. 

Here's a little bit of info about Friday the 13th! 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Simple Present & Pres. Cont.

Image result for tomorrow's friday animated

HOMEWORK:  You do not need to share with me, we will go over the questions in class. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Housing Vocab.


  • Vocabulary 2-2 Practice #1 answer the questions and then type your answers in the FORM. Tomorrow after 10:30, I will share the answers with you.
  • Read Grammar 2-1. We will do LOTS of exercises tomorrow to practice. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Paragraphs: Topic Sentences


Image result for cold snowman
  1. Writing 1-3: Write a paragraph talking about dietary habits in your country or popular foods in your country. Share with me if you would like some feedback. 
  2. Topic sentence worksheet: This is an optional worksheet, on Thursday (since I shared the document so late) I will share the answers for you to check.  
  3. For some extra grammar, reading or listening practice, check out the links in this spreadsheet

Monday, January 9, 2017

Writing 1- 3

Image result for writing

Write a paragraph or two about: (Writing 1-3)

Describe the diet and lifestyle of people in your country. Do most people in your country have a healthy lifestyle? Could it be healthier?

If you want me to read and give you feedback, make sure you SHARE it with me!!

Friday, January 6, 2017


HAPPY Friday!

HOMEWORK: Grammar 1-3 Exercise #1,3,4: we'll go over it on Monday. 
For extra review work check out the different links in this spreadsheet

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Kinds of Verbs & Questions

Image result for questions

Read over the notes about 3 Kinds of Verbs, we will have a quiz on this on Thursday or Friday. 
Do Grammar 1-2 exercise (all), we will go over the answers in class. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Vocabulary Practice

Image result for be healthy resolutions