Guess what!? - There will be a quiz tomorrow on verbs, as well as some simple past and present perfect comparison. Maybe even some subject verb agreement too!
This week you will be having a speaking "quiz", it will be similar to what you have to do for the speaking test that is in about 3 weeks.
Record yourself speaking for no more than 2 (two) minutes.
You need to either discuss a sport or an athlete that you are familiar with. You cannot just read a piece of paper nor should it appear to be memorized.
Once you have finished you can either send me the file directly OR you can upload it to youtube and then send me the link.
Verbs in English can be such a pain to learn, especially if they are the irregular kind in the past and past participle. But check out this video and it may be able to help you a tad.
For homework tonight please do Vocabulary 5-2 Practice #1 AND read Grammar 5-1 Future #1 for a review. We will do lots of exercises in class tomorrow to practice.
For homework review the grammar points 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3. Tomorrow in class you will be given situations where you need to use the different grammar points.
Compound sentences and transition words improve our writing and make it more sophisticated. For extra practice before test, I would like you to do the writing below and share it with me. For homework: Do Writing 3-3 and share it with me.